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Columbia, MD, September, 11, 2007 . . . “Angels Over America” author Carolyn has been invited to attend the Sixth Annual 9/11 Memorial Blue Mass at St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, Jensen Beach Florida, on September 11, 2007. The Solemn High Mass, to be celebrated by Most Rev. Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, will be preceded by a presenting and posting of colors by local police, fire, rescue and military color guards, and a viewing of the 9/11 Memorial DVD, “Angels Over America” at 10:30 a.m.

“Angels Over America,” an 8-minute memorial video incorporating images, music and poetry, is both a stirring tribute to 9/11 victims and heroes, and an artistic work whose unique metaphor offers healing perspectives on this pivotal moment in our nation’s history. The video traces the evolution of awareness, emotion and understanding that lead to transcendence. This work celebrates the courage and resilience that are the hallmarks of the American Spirit, while providing perspective, healing, and hope.

Award-winning New York arranger and composer Mark Freeh produced the video from Ms. Long’s four-part poem, “Angels Over America,” against the backdrop of powerful 9/11 images and his stirring arrangement of “America the Beautiful” and moving renditions of “Amazing Grace” and ”My Country ‘Tis of Thee.”

“A major role of art in any culture is to offer people a way to hold difficult or tragic events that enables them to move forward with hope and courage,” says poet Carolyn Long. “At such times, art can comfort those in pain while giving homage to all that has been lost.”

“The need for the healing arts is particularly important in times of crises, when meaning is strength,” says John Fox, author of Poetic Medicine. “And the deepest meaning is the language of dreams, symbols and archetypes. Poetry speaks this language and helps us hear meaning in illness, in the events of our lives, often for the first time. Finding such meaning feels like revelation. Like grace.”

“If ever an event called for healing, strength, or grace, it was 9/11,” says Long. “The events of September 11, 2001, will be a part of the American consciousness forever. The lens through which we continue to view them will shape our future. ‘Angels Over America’ is dedicated to an America that lost its innocence on this day—but never its hope,” says Long, author and co-producer of the video.

“Angels Over America” is the perfect work to precede St. Martin’s Blue Mass, says Rev. James Molgano, Pastor of St. Martin de Porres. The Blue Mass, named for the traditional blue uniforms of police officers, firefighters and emergency medical providers, honors all those who daily protect and serve our nation. “We must never forget those who have fallen and those who continue to give so generously and selflessly in defense of our country abroad and at home,” says Fr. Molgano. “We must continue to reach out to them and their families to show our appreciation, and in our community, that includes the Martin County Sheriff’s Department, Martin County Fire Rescue, and the Marine Corp. 4th Anglico.”

St. Martin’s Blue Mass is hosted by St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus Council #8048. Media coverage is welcome. News cameras will be allowed inside the Church, but flash photography is not permitted. For more information, contact St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church at 772-334-4214.

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A free, preview version of the video can be viewed or downloaded free from the website at The final version of the DVD with poem, or a printed copy of Angels Over America, are available free to the media, or can be ordered online from the website, by email from or by calling 410-730-2345. Carolyn Long is a writer, photographer and professional speaker based in Columbia, MD.

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